Texas Society of Mammalogists meetings typically are held every February at the Texas Tech University Llano River Field Station in Junction. For more information on the field station visit their website here. The meetings are very relaxed, providing a time for students to present research (faculty do not present), and allowing researchers the chance to network and catch up. Poster's are generally given Friday evening, and oral presentations are given Saturday morning and afternoon. There is plenty of time between the last presentation and the members' meeting to explore the field station and walk along the Llano River. In years without a burn ban there are generally campfires built (either near the meeting space or along the river) where participants can sit outside and enjoy the beautiful Texas sky. Saturday night there is a banquet with an invited speaker, followed by a live auction. During the banquet the winners of the student awards are announced. A silent auction runs throughout the banquet and the live auction. A list of the student awards can be found on our awards page. Information on our 2024 meeting can be found on the meeting webpage.